New measure: the AFD bigger than the social democrats


BERLIN Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) has turned the Social Democrats into Germany's second largest parties in a new poll of INSA / YouGov, writes Samtiden. S thirst continues in several EU countries.

The government of Angela Merkel has recently experienced major internal strife, including the threat of a resignation of Interior Minister Horst Seehofer. But despite the negative publicity of the ruling coalition between the CDU and CDS sisters, the Social Democrats do not succeed in strengthening their position.

On the contrary. The party loses two percentage points in the Christmas survey of INSA / Yougov and is only supported by 17% of voters, a half percentage point less than the US. AfD, making it the second party in Germany according to the measure. The Social Democratic Government of Romania faces major problems. In the 2016 parliamentary elections, the party received 45.5% of the vote. Almost two years later, aid has decreased by almost half to 28.4% in a measure of IMAS. 29.1%

The wave of success in Italy

The EU and the critical immigration The five-star movement and Lega strengthen their position after the election victory last spring, when they received together 50%. In a poll released on Friday, support rose to 59 percent. The Social Democrat won 23% of the vote but fell to 18.5% in a few months

The Socialist Party, PS, which led France for a long time, suffered a shock of 4% on Ipsos before the elections next May. If the figures are respected, the party will not count any EU parliamentarians in the next elections. In 2009, the party had 31 parliamentarians – more than the entire representation of Sweden.

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