New tasks in Novitjok's cases involve the police


In late June, a 44-year-old woman and her 45-year-old man from Amesbury became unconscious at a few hours interval. The man always takes care of injuries to the hospital for his injuries. Sunday night, the 44-year-old woman passed away

"I am terrified and shocked by death," British Prime Minister Theresa May writes on Twitter

The investigation continues at high speed weeks after the couple was poisoned, a bottle of Novitjok found in the house of 45 years. The results of the new tests show that the man and the woman must touch the bottle with their right hands, according to the instructions of the Guardian

The tests in progress hope to be able to show if the nervous toxicity comes from the same load used to Salisbury early March. – when Sergeant Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia Skripal were found unconscious on a park bench in Salisbury. The event triggered a diplomatic crisis. Russia has been appointed leader and at least 27 countries have expelled Russian diplomats. Russia, which has always denied all allegations, later responded to the expulsion of as many people.

Police had collected more than 400 samples and evidence related to poisoning at Amesbury on Saturday, reports Sky News. The search for evidence will continue for weeks, if not months, in search of sites contaminated by the nerve

The researchers now hope that the amount of Novitjok in the bottle should be large enough to be studied. The hope is that the poison should be compared to the small amount of food previously fixed at the door of the Skripal family.

If the results show that the poison comes from the same charge, it means that the person who attacked Sergei and Julia Skripal in the investigation into the murder that began after the death of the man from 44 years.

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