News Bank: First formal Trump-Putin meeting


The meeting of US President Donald Trump and Russian Vladimir Putin

Finland will begin on July 15th with an individual meeting between the leaders.

"I'll talk to Putin about everything," Trump said. But a question will certainly not arise: Crimea

The present meeting is part of a long tradition. 1975 was reached

Brezhnev and Gerald Ford in Helsinki on European cooperation and

Conference on security. In 1990, George Bush and Gorbachev met

Finland as well as 1997 Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin.

The reason Finland is such a popular place is of course

The neutral status of Finland. Finnish presidents have had good relations

with Moscow throughout the post-war period and is as well seen in the West.

Last week, Trumpadsgiver John Bolton visited Moscow in

discuss the agenda. Nothing leaked from this meeting more than that

The question of crime does not arise. The United States and Russia are "agreed not to

are agreed "on the status of Krims.

Trump said recently that Crimea is Russian and that the population is the best

owned by Russia. But this perception is completely impossible in the United States

Congress where members participate in Russian phobia. Surpasses the first official meeting

with Putin has already caused a lot of criticism and accusations of the type

that Putin has "a secret hold" over Trump.

In many parts of Europe, mainly in the Baltic countries and Poland, there is concern that
US-Russian easing will reduce the interest of the United States in
] keep the states under their arms. Trump is in full swing of European politics
but no one knows exactly how. The US ambassador to the United States was fired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mike Pompeo, while he was questioning the return of US troops
from Germany . The US ambassador to Estonia resigned at his own request
since he accused Trump of not having adhered to the facts.

Today, a Republican delegation has gone to the Kremlin for discussions with, among others,

Chairman of the State Duma Vjatjeslav Volodin.

The number of questions on which the United States and Russia should be listening

almost infinite after 6 years of frost-free relationships. American sanctions

started in 2012 with the so-called Magnitsky Act and was then stepped up in 2014

following the alleged annexation of Crimea by Russia.

The experience is known for recurrent antipsychosis

West passes and last time taken more than a decade

(1947-1957). Kremlin leaders know that recovery in the West can take time.

Possible topics are:

* The need to renew almost all disarmament agreements.

* American complaint concerning Russian involvement against Russia's proposal for a

International Convention against Cyber ​​War.

* Situation in Syria, Ukraine, Iran, Korea, Kosovo et al. there they both

the interest of the people: in Belgrade, it is optimistic that the question of Kosovo could be solved in a minute …

* Reduction of US sanctions, progressive restoration

Diplomatic relations.

* Russia also wants to influence the United States to contribute to a positive result

Solution for Nord Stream 2, Turkish Streams Cross Bulgaria and

other problems related to gas.

It will be Putin and Trumps third meeting after a call in Hamburg in July

2017 and Vietnam in November of the same year. Personkemin, who betrayed the end

Obama's presidency seems to work.
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