NHL deserves the LHC | SVT Sport


– At James, we have a very powerful center of great size, says sports director Fredrik Emvall on the club's website

James Wright, with 146 NHL games in his luggage, is ready for Linköping. It will be the last piece of the puzzle on the front.

– At James, we get a very powerful center of good size. Like Dan Pettersson, James will give us our size and weight. He is a hard-working player with great qualities both in offense and defense, "Emvall continues.

"In anticipation of that"

James Wright comes closest to Astana from Kashi Bary where last season he scored 15 points over five games. He can not wait to wear the shirt.

– I feel very excited, it's the best way to describe it right now. I've heard a lot of good things about the league and Linköping. I look forward to coming to Linköping with my family who is very excited, "said James Wright on the LHC website.

The contract is written in one year with option of another.

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