Nicklas Bärkroth near Djurgården


Nicklas Bärkroth made his debut in Sweden as a 15th anniversary when IFK Gothenburg received Brommapojkarna in the fall of 2007. There, Bärkroth historically became the youngest player in the world through the ages

. Portuguese Leiria before the career highlighted when he contributed SM gold with IFK Norrköping 2015.

Last year, Bärkroth left "Beijing" to play in the big Polish club Lech Poznan.

: Bärkroth near Dif

Once upon a time lethargic and Aftonbladet wrote a few days ago that his former club, IFK Göteborg, was chasing Bärkroth's signature and negotiations were starting between the two clubs

. SportExpressen may reveal that Bärkroth is close to a return to Stockholm and plays in Djurgården.

Nicklas Bärkroth is under contract with Lech Poznan throughout the 2021 season. Much of it remains work but the parties are aiming to prepare the company in the coming days.

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