Norrköping is audited by a popular innovator – Culture & Entertainment


– The network of the Creative Cities Network of Unesco (UCCN) was created in 2004 and the cities are divided into seven groups. Norrköping was adopted in 2017 because we have a creative concept in urban development and have invested considerable resources in high quality music for over 100 years, "said Sandra Wall, project manager of the musical capital of Norrköping . a new platform for exchange and cooperation, ideas and influences. The goal is to create creative contacts on a regional, national and international scale. At Music Tech Fest 2018, artists, students, researchers, creators, musicians and innovators from around the world will come together, while Norrköping will be presented as a creative city.

– Norrköping will be seen with innovative technological companies in music, cinema and visualization. Wall, and argues that companies can also be regional as long as they have strong technological connectivity.

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NASA researchers. Kelly Snook was a NASA researcher for 20 years. Now she works with the artist Ariana Grande for technical support at concerts and runs a creative laboratory on MTF

– we'll tell you more about Norrköping and how we work, among others, on the world of music. gender equality in Unesco. From September 3rd to 9th, Norrköping, it will be calm and quiet. Literally. As part of the festival, renowned producer, composer and innovator Håkan Lidbo will resonate in the city on September 5th.

– I did the same thing at the opening of the Stockholm Cultural Festival in 2010. It's about using the city as a Lidbo instrument, inspired by the "Symphony of sirens "of Arseny Avraamov dating from the 1920s in Baku

Håkan Lidbo believes that the idea behind this initiative is ambitious. He wants the entire city to express – both buildings and musicians and ordinary citizens. The work will be done in the industrial landscape around the waterfalls, which also becomes a part of the sound image.

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Norrköping Symphony. Håkan Lidbo wants to use both Norrköpingsborn and the buildings in his interactive work on September 5

– The sound design must take into account both the noise and the speed of sound in the air, says Håkan Lidbo [19659017]. work with so-called sound absorbers, which reduces the sound, or you can add sound with a more positive sound. For example, the sound of a fountain or a waterfall.

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Kaxig. Håkan Lindbo has published more than 300 records and is now working with interactive innovations. Few people could do what he can, he thinks

He raises expectations:

– If I were to be a little kinky, there are not many who could do what I should do

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