North fanzines must be preserved – P4 Västerbotten


Inside the Väven cultural center in Umeå, Andreas Brännström from Konstfrämjandet in Västerbotten stands in front of a shelf filled with small magazines and homemade booklets. The so-called fanzines that have in common to be printed in small edition and treat a narrow subject, without being manufactured for commercial purposes.

Konstfrämjandet I think it's the simplicity of working with fanzines that makes it an art worth preserving.

"I think the very small interests have something poetic.This is not as scary as traditional art expressions can be.It is difficult to approach a sculpture or a painting, but everyone can create a fanzine.As long as you have a chisel and a glue stick, "says Andre Brännström at the Västerbotten Art Promotion.

In the new Art Promotion collection, fanzines cover topics as diverse as the Västerbotten Flood tradition, the Bigfoot Spaniards and the everyday life of transgender people in Kiruna.

Do not miss a longer report on the current fanzine trend at the bottom of the article.

fanzine had its heyday in the 90s, but Art Promotion is in its collection the most interested in the search for contemporary fanzines. Andreas Brännström believes that the concept of fanzine has been broadened to include culture more often, for example in a style of music, becoming more and more medium for more and closer special interests.

He just sees these fanzines as important documents in Sweden's northernmost counties.

"This is part of the history of the folk movement and is a support for popular movements.It was very important that subcultures such as the puncture scene have their own medium, but I think that it There are many links with the trade union movement, and by the way, compounds that publish their own publications on the history of their city, I look at least like a fanzine, "said Andre Brännström.

One of the coolest The fan of the collection is Totally True, produced in Umeå.

Carolina Sandström, one of the original people behind Totally True, claims to work largely autobiographically and want to explore the lives of young people in Västerbotten and specifically in Umeå.

But there is a clear exception in the press release. A personal fanzine about the woman who is usually crowned as the first and main fighter of the panic in the world, Dana Dragomir.

– She made the soundtrack of "Mio, My Mio". And we found out she had an amazing life story, "said Carolina Sandström.

Nowadays, a lot is done numerically. Why do you fanzine?

– If you publish something in digital format, it becomes more permanent. But if you make a zine, it becomes more of an authentic product and it is a little more limited, but much more fun to read and to give.

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