North Korea makes the remains of US soldiers – Donald Trump thanks Kim Jong-un | foreign


North Korea left today remains – what is believed to be – 55 American soldiers killed in the Korean War in the early 1950s. The US President thanked the North Leader -Korean on Twitter

On Friday, an American military transport plan landed at US Air Force Osan in South Korea. On board there were 55 trays with their remains – what are believed to be American soldiers.

The wreck was taken in Wonsan North Korea and the return is part of the agreements reached at the summit of US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong. one in July.

Next Wednesday, an official ceremony will be held to honor the soldiers at Osan Air Base. Subsequently, the remains of Hawaii are studied and identified.

US President Twittrade immediately after the transfer

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"After so many years, it will be a great moment for so many families." Kim Jong Un " , writes Trump

"Today's acts represent an important first step in initiating the return of North Korea's relics and resuming research in North Korea after some 5,300 Americans who are not not yet arrived. "A statement from the White House

The disappearance of about 5,300 US soldiers alleged to remain in North Korea

Millions of people were killed in the 1950-53 Korean War. Of them about 36,000 American soldiers.

7,700 American soldiers killed in the war are still missing. According to the AP news agency, North Korea currently has more than 200 US remains in stock. These are remains found as part of the field cleaning and construction work. Most of the dead still have to be located and found in mass graves and in old battlefields.

  US soldiers honor the remains of Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, 27.7.

Between 1996 and 2005, the US military and North Korean carried out 33 joint operations after the US remains.

The last time North Korea returned relics to the United States, it was in 2007.

The reign of today coincides with the 65th anniversary of the cease-fire. the end of the Korean War

  Jong-un received an ecstatic reception of veterans Friday. He visited a military cemetery in the capital Pyongyang to commemorate the anniversary of the ceasefire agreement.

North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, received Friday a military convoy in Pyongyang to commemorate the anniversary of the ceasefire agreement. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Friday received an extremist welcome from war veterans, visiting a military burial ground in the capital Pyongyang to commemorate the anniversary of the ceasefire agreement
Kim Jong-un, AFP / Lehtikuva North Korea

Sources: AP, Reuters

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