Not played in three years (!)


Dreams can come in when we least expect it.
Gavin McHale played his last game three years ago and then in the lower divisions – but sat on the Washington Capitals bench last night.
"You can not describe the size this represents for me," he says.

Sovereign Guardian of the Washington Capitals Braden Holtby was injured before the Winnipeg Jets game tonight.

Not played in three years

When you had only two goaltenders in the game outside, it became difficult to find a reserve for the regular reserve. Pheonix Copley.

The Capitals did not steal a third goalkeeper, but called a 31-year-old who has not played for three years.

Gavin McHale He's never been particularly close to an NHL team – or even an AHL team – and he ended his career three years ago, then in the Canadian SEMHL league.

But tonight, he realized his dreams.

"Was so starstruck"

The 31-year-old Winnipeg resident quickly returned to the stadium.

"I was so star-fuck, but I hope no one noticed it. I had played well in the first four shots I took part in, but that it's improved, "McHale said about Ovetjkin after the match.

McHale, who is still the goaltending coach for a local hockey team, has not experienced a period of ice, but he was happy anyway.

"It's certainly not what I dreamed about that would not happen in the last ten years, when my career collapsed. But it was a very exciting experience, "said McHale.

The Winnipeg Jets won the game 3-1.

DELA pays homage to this incredible story!

READ MORE: Skrällen: The Swedish star of the NHL is lost – here is the new club

Here are the unlikely photos of "Bäckis" tonight: "It was panic"

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