Not sure of moving in fire-hardened Pyhärantas forests


In the border area of ​​eastern Lapland, post-closure is in progress while the preparation is canceled.

Also in Pyhäranta, in the south of Finland, which was affected by many campfires during the week, it was possible to reduce the extinction resources, reports Sunday evening the factory Southern Finland.

Continuation of an area of ​​forest fires for fire extinguishers

The Swedish Agency for Rescue Services reports that it is not yet sure to move to forest fires .

Extinct fires in the north

Border guards in Lapland announced Sunday that fires that have spread to Finland from Russia are now extinguished. The Raja-Jooseppi crossing point was closed Friday but has been open since Sunday morning

However, there will be many aftershocks in Urho Kekkonen National Park, but for example no helicopter.

In Salla, the preparation is canceled. that devices from other places can return to the house.

The direction of the rescue effort closely follows the weather forecast. According to the forecasts, it rains, sometimes very strongly, on the ground difficult to reach.

The video of the Thursday border guard shows what it is:

The article updated at. 22.27 with information on the monitoring of forest fires in Pyhäranta

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