Novitjok's son asks Trump to talk to Putin


– We must be repaired, says the son of the couple poisoned by Novitjok at the end of June, according to The Guardian.

The couple was found unconscious in his home in Amesbury, in southern England. A few weeks later, the 44-year-old died from her injuries. The 45-year-old man still occupies the hospital and his condition has been deemed critical.

The couple's son now congratulates US President Donald Trump on the case of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two leaders meet on Monday for a summit in Helsinki.

The son says he does not agree with Donald Trump's policy, but he wants his killer "to get what they deserve".

– I will never support Trump but I would like him to raise my mother's file with the Russian president, he says to the Guardian.

Read more: So Novitjok's body damages the nerve

The British government accused Russia of being behind the poisoning of former agent Sergey Skripal and of her daughter. They were poisoned by Novitjok in British Salisbury in March. The event triggered a diplomatic crisis. At least 27 countries expelled Russian diplomats while Russia denied all allegations.

The experts are now working to find out if the nerve found in the couple's house comes from the same charge as that used for Skripals in Salisbury.

Read more: New tasks in Novitjok's business pose a problem to the police

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