Now, Mamma Mia's stars reveal the relationship with Abba


Stellan Skarsgård, Collin Firth, Pierce Brosnan, Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried return to the top of the musical film "Mamma Mia!" Here we go again. "

During Wednesday, movie stars were up in Stockholm for a press conference for the musical film.

Several of the actors celebrated the music of Abbas and how the super group existed there during their lives.

– The music of Abbas has been my life, so I'm part of this is a blessing. If you felt young and sexy, Abba was what was dancing, actress Christine Baranski, who plays Tanya in the film.

– My father had mixed ties with Abba. It's too good to be true to sit here, in this context, says Lily James who plays the character of Meryl Streep as a youngster.

Amanda Seyfried, who returns in the role of Sophie, tells how the music of Abbas has always been in his life.

– I can not understand the first time I heard Abba, they have always been there, she said.

The Swedish actor Stellan Skarsgård, of course, also addressed the issue of the relationship with Abba.

– I am against patriotism, except the world cup. But, of course, I'm proud that Sweden can produce as many works of art as films – and perhaps most music, "said Stellan Skarsgård at the press conference.

READ MORE: The anguish of Skarsgård in front of the movie: "Humiliate"


Benny Andersson has already criticized the production film. He believes that the producers of the film have plagiarized the first film.

– They play with sure cards, he told Daily Mail.

He told the newspaper how he wanted the new film to take place in a whole new direction.

– Universal Pictures had a lot of success with "Mamma Mia!" Then they want to make a new one … they want to make a copy of what they've already done. They play with sure cards, he says to the newspaper.

READ MORE: Benny's accusations against the new movie "Mamma Mia"

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