Now the Chinese mobile giant will aggressively invest in Sweden


The world's fourth largest mobile phone maker, Xiaomi, will expand its presence in the Swedish market through its collaboration with East & West Distribution, which will be the official distributor of Xiaomi in Sweden.

"It is extremely amusing that after a few years as a retailer for Xiaomi via the Mistore online store, we become the official distributor of Sweden," said Jojje Måbrant, president of East & West Distribution.

Xiaomi, founded just eight years ago, challenged major manufacturers with this award. The company has officially assumed that you will never receive a profit margin of more than 5% after tax for all sales of equipment.

According to East & West Distribution, something stands out when mobile manufacturers typically achieve a profit margin of up to 50%. The reason for this strategy is that Xiaomi expects profits to come from the company's various cloud and streaming services.

And the strategy has brought Xiaomi to the mobile world summit. In East & West Distribution, refer to the latest IDC report, in which Xiaomi occupies a fourth stable place.

The distributor began a collaboration with Netonnet this summer, and sales in Sweden began to accelerate. Since then, more dealers have been introduced and are now investing a lot.

– With products such as Pocophone, a flagship mobile car sold at almost half the competition and a portfolio at least as good as the price paid by the consumer, the Swedish market has already been opened, says Krister Sundquist , CEO of East & West Distribution.

"It's been a while since we talk about telecom circuits for Xiaomi, and the interest sparked by customers and retailers has increased recently." Logistical partners are needed to meet this demand So we start the journey with a logistics agreement with Brightstar, and several logistical agreements are being revised to meet customers and retailers in categories other than traditional telecommunications, "says Jojje Måbrant, and develops:

"We clearly see that customer behavior has recently changed, giving Xiaomi every opportunity to make a good impression on the Swedish market, and I am very proud of my colleagues who have entered into an unprecedented logistics agreement, which allows Products to be in stock at our logistics partner today.

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