Now, the family party is finally back! – News in Kristianstad – 24 hours a day


The two greatest events of the year are: Bamse and the artist Theoz .

– The big thing is that Theoz is coming! Everyone between the ages of seven and fifteen knows who he is, says Jan Jönsson One of the leaders of Children's Day at Kristianstad

Theo "Theoz" Haraldsson Linköping is one of the biggest social media stars. only 12 years old, but has two million subscribers on Musical Musical and over 100,000 subscribers on Youtube. With the help of a wide range of video blogs and music videos, he made a name for young audiences.

In addition to shows, there will be amusement parks with rides, a castle and facial painting.

– You pay 120 crowns if you have, for example, icakort, what everyone has. So you can ride a carousel how much you want, says Jan.

Children's Day is organized in the tivoli park and is open on Wednesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 6 pm. It was like this last year at Children's Day.

Main Attractions:

Tuesday 10/7

12:00 PM Stans biggest rain of Ica Maxi sweets.

13.50 parade of children's day at the scene.

13:55 Inauguration.

14.00 Scenshow Teddy Bear with friends.

Wednesday, July 11

12:00 PM Stans biggest rain of Ica Maxi sweets.

14.00 Scenshow THEOZ.

15.30 Arnberg Dance Show

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