Now you can book your trip digitally


After testing since last summer, the digital service now launches "Book Travel" throughout the region. The service addresses people traveling with trips, trips and school trips.

Travelers can now book their own trip in "Book a trip". For those who have a representative and wish to book travel services, this is also possible.

For travel and school trips, travelers can view and cancel their trip in digital form, but the reservation itself is done over the phone.

– Travel booking is part of the digitization on which we focus in call-driven traffic. Through digitization, we have the ability to make it easier for our travelers with special needs, such as travel, school trips or school trips. The ability to book and get insight into their journeys alone provides added security, "said Åsa Björk, Head of Communication for Call Traffic on Västtrafik.

The service is a complementary contact for those who wish to use digital channels. Travelers who wish to order a trip by telephone can always do so by calling the Västtrafik order desk.

Ylva Jonsson and Georges Zaynoun are two travelers who participated in the pilot project. Ylva and Georges are both visually impaired and travel with a companion. However, the reservation of their travel service is done independently and they wish to have more possibilities to book a trip.

– We welcome new ways to book. Then we can switch between calling and booking the trip digitally. This saves us time, says Georges Zaynoun.

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