Nygren on the site – close to the solution – Sport


Uppsala, located in the elite after half of the series, looks at his house in front of the second half of the series. During Thursday's first football game, after the party, five other external players showed up. The UNT could reveal last week that the club is looking for Alma Hammarby striker and that Nygren was up on Thursday's passport. Uppsala is close to a solution where you will borrow in Hammarby for the rest of the season.

– We are looking at a loan situation, but the newspapers are not affiliated. We are in discussion with Johan Lager (sports director at Hammarby and Alma himself.) We are close to a solution, says Fredrik Bernhardsson, sports director and coach of Uppsala

Nygren was a player from test with Sirius. However, it was a move to just Hammarby instead of where she stood up for a fine last year, but had a harder this year.

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– I had some problems with the energy of the preseason, then I got hurt and I stayed away for five weeks after I had cold twice, so it was a bit difficult. ] Why do you want to come to Uppsala?

– Hammarby and I have both been thinking about my situation with playing time and it will be tough as well when they catch up in good forwards. "Alma Nygren, cousin with Sirius goalkeeper Lukas Jonsson [19659004] The other players on the spot were Hanna Nordström, Jennifer Sjösten, Josefin Steger and Matilda Abramo. The latter too, like Nygren, will join the team camp in Rimbo during the weekend.

– This is a player we watched and who had a goat eye in the spring. We want to see how they work in our environment, it's a thing to deliver in Division I in Stockholm with all due respect for this series, but we also want to see them. As Bernhardsson said, Uppsala is said to be in the elite and during the Rimbo camp, the club will talk about the goal of the coming autumn.

– It is important for the group to participate and feel involved. The top four (because the team had a goal in the spring) is difficult, but it is clear that we know and we can do better than tia. We'll see what we do this weekend, says Bernhardsson.

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