Oldoz Javidi (Fi) petas after the declaration on Israel


One of the biggest scandals of the riding up here is a fact.

It is the parliamentary initiative of the Feminist Initiative Oldoz Javidi who works every day as an actor and clown, now questioned about newsletters vote after a very careful statement.

It is in an interview in Feminist Perspective magazine that Javidi expressed her views on Israel, where she thought that Israelis should live in the United States instead of Israel.

– I must be allowed to dream of such a solution, said Javidi in the interview.

The criticism of Javidi's statement became massive, and many in Fi wanted it to be quoted on the parliamentary list of the party. Last week, Young Feminists in the Youth League twisted the fact that they were demanding Javidi from the list.

  Messages from FI-twitter. "Title =" Messages from FI-twitter. "/> 
<figcaption><em>  Young Feminists Work Hard Against Oldoz Javidi on Twitter </em></figcaption></figure>
<p>  How to Write Feminist Initiative on Their Website <span class=

" The Party Council no longer trust Oldoz Javidi as she no longer collaborates with the party's council to restore confidence in her and her party, because of the anti-Semitism statement she's made in Fempers as a feminist initiative strongly distanced. We called today Oldoz Javidi to leave his place on the riksdag list. "

Himself, Javidi thinks that she was misjudged and misunderstood, and her statement is not the least anti-Semitic." There was a movement against her where she was called "anti-Semitic, racist, homophobic, Nazi and Islamist."

In an article in Expressen, she writes that "nowhere in the current interview is there anything which is generally called the Jews. The state of Israel is not synonymous with Jews.

The Feminist Initiative believes that circles of study on anti-Semitism and racism have been used and that it now brings together parliamentary candidates and discusses what's going on. ;happened. Anti-feminism

Feminist Initiative was about to enter the Riksdag 2014, but this year is much worse in public opinion polls

Will Fi enter it? at the Riksdag?

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