Önnevall does not regret anything – despite his conviction | Gothenburg after


By the end of adolescence, Fredrik Önnevall thought that he would be a photographer. But during media education at Bollnäs High School, he realized that these were the most attractive interviews. He describes this as an almost intimate feeling that occurs when a stranger begins to confess and tells what he has experienced, what he feels.

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– Experience this trust. It was super awesome.


Nowadays, Fredrik Önnevall is back in Sweden and runs the cultural program "Sweden!", Sent from Malmö on Saturday in SVT. Photo: Emil Langvad

He is always pleased with his choice of profession, mainly on television. Over the years, he has tested different genres, from pure information to the protection of society, culture and politics. To the general public, he became a famous face with his reports in China on SVT in the mid-2000s. A job he received after learning Chinese. After that, he worked with Correspondents, the food of China and Mother land.

In this latest program, viewers followed his interviews with the daughter of Greek National Party leader Golden Dawn, but also saw how some of the thousands of refugees living in the country lived.

Helped a 15-year-old Syrian boy

During his work, Fredrik decided to help a 15 year old Syrian boy in Sweden. A decision that had major consequences. Fredrik Önnevall was convicted last year by both the District Court and the Court of Human Rights. Now the case will be settled in the Supreme Court.

What did you feel when the first sentence came?

– That I wanted to move on. See if other instances evaluated differently. Even the judge said the case was necessary was taken over in a higher instance. And then it became. Obviously, it is not easy to settle this purely legally.

– And I have never regretted myself. It's nice to take along. It would be hard to stay there and be ashamed. Then you have another experience of a lawsuit.

Nice and empathic

After the event, Fredrik Önnevall changed the world as a workplace to become a studio in Malmö. He's been running the show for a year Sweden!. A half-hour program for SVT, where he interviewed people more or less known. He himself says that although its form is different from the one it had previously designed, there are common denominators, such as conversation and the ability to try to understand how another person thinks.

"Whether I talk to Tommy Körberg in the studio or the daughter of the leader of the Golden Dawn in Greece, I want to know:" What does your vision of the world look like, what do you wear in your luggage and why did your life become ? "

He has an honest interest in others. Another strength and good feature that he mentions is his empathy that he believes has grown over the years.

– I am perceived as nice and that is good. And I think I'm nice enough. His own life will also be much more comfortable if it is.

Disträ and stressed dad

Among the less good qualities he likes to shoot, but not at work. In addition, he describes himself as a blanket, unconscious and often places things.

"When I was younger, I called Disträ. Now he was camouflaged at" stressed dad ".


Fredrik Önnevall, an SVT journalist, has spent 45 years training, among other things, to say no better. . Photo: Mattias Ankrah

Which feature do you work in the most?

"I can certainly be better off saying no.It's not dangerous to set limits.I have improved on this.Because you can say no in a way that isn''t aggressive and confrontational, but only clearly – "no, I do not want it" – that's generally appreciated.

"It was easier in China, where I became like a blank sheet of paper and suitable for everyone.In general, the Chinese are better at saying what they think, and then you become yourself. and it was very nice.And you notice that the sky does not collapse just because you say what you think.

Fredrik Önnevall

Age: Fills age 45 on November 1st.

Live: outside Malmö.

Family: Ms. Pia, two children and a dog.

Do: journalist.

Current: responsible for the cultural program "Sweden!", Broadcasted on Saturdays in SVT.

To fill 45: "It feels like something irrelevant and insignificant.It was more vital to fill the 30 when I asked myself" until where did I come from and am I on track? " "

Then I celebrate the birthday: "Something is comfortable and unpretentious with the family.Then I expect my parents to call a quarter to nine in the morning.It's when I was born It's the only time I've been fast and at the hour. "

Then I clean my mind: "I ride a bike, I live a mile and a half from Malmö on Vischan and I ride every day to work on a regular bike."

About the 75-hour community service: "You can apply if you want to do it at a school, the Red Cross, or similar." There are many community service locations, but if the judgment is blocked in HD, so I guess and guess that there will be a fine. "

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