OPCW for attack at Duma – no nerve gas was used


Following the attack in Duma, there were major disagreements over who was behind the alleged nuclear weapons attack. The United States accused the Syrian regime of Assad of being at the origin of the attack, reported by Metro

. In cooperation with Britain and France, the United States has carried out a bomb attack on chemical weapons and a factory in Syria.

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Authorities then decided to allow the OPCW to conduct an investigation on the use of chemical warfare in the Duma attack. ] And now the OPCW publishes the results of the surveys.

According to the organization, there is no evidence that the nerve gas was used during the attack. On the other hand, chlorine gas can be used, writes the OPCW in a new report

"With explosive residues, chlorinated organic compounds were found in samples at two samples, "writes the OPCW. Assumed attack of nuclear weapons – Experts now have access to the city

The organization is currently working to evaluate the significance of the discovery and to draw a conclusion about what has happened spent during the attack in April.

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