Organizing a fashion show for the environment – Uppsala


Ingeborg Staxäng and Noomi Brännkärr have just completed one in high school. But the first month of summer holidays has been up to now more work than the law. The preparations for the big show are on the final lamp and there are clothes spread throughout the apartment. They only pick up the last outfits

– We had the idea of ​​a conference and we thought we should do it, says Noomi Brännkärr.

– We are very interested in fashion at a time. But we also do it for the environment. According to Ingeborg Staxäng, clothing has such a high environmental impact

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Noomi Brännkärr and Ingeborg Staxäng prepare fashion shows with second-hand clothes

The fashion show is their holiday work and is part of the municipality's Rookie Startup, a project where young people can get started during the holidays. summer vacation. Some of the clothes shown are borrowed, but most of them shrunk from individuals

– We received a lot of clothes, says Ingeborg Staxäng.

Seventeen models will show a total of sixty outfits. What's left is sold at the same time as the fashion show. There are also many things that can be seen on the podium.

They both find it odd that there is no more second hand. Much of what we see in the big clothing chains right now was in the 80s and 90s and is easy to find in second hand stores.

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Noomi Brännkärr and Ingeborg Staxäng run businesses as summer jobs.

– It's also cheaper and often better, says Ingeborg Staxäng.

The view is open to all and they hope to have mixed ages in the audience

– Our dream is a long queue, says Noomi Brännkärr

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