Oron among the British: "May lose Meghan"


The Duchess Meghan crossed her legs for a second while she was sitting next to Queen Elizabeth at the Young Leaders Awards – an annual event celebrating prominent leaders aged 18 to 29 years.

It did not suit a duchess, made voice on Twitter the word.

"The disrespectful treatment of the queen." All royal women cross their legs to the ankles, or put both legs aside, "wrote one person, and received from several other users.

Trump meets the queen in Meghan's love nest

New criticism of his anxious body language

But the criticism did not stop there … The body language expert Judi James told the Daily Express that the duchess late in the evening tried to impress other royals on the spot that she lost her own style.

– Her involvement in body language She continues:

– We risk losing the spontaneous and feminist Meghan. She may become a person who adheres only to the royal rules that even the highest royals are in violation.

Even the bag was bad for Meghan

For Queen Elizabeth, nobody follows all the codes to point and point , says the expert. [19659002] – If she looked more closely at the body language of the Queen, she would see that a symmetrical, confident and comfortable body language is also worthy of a royalty.

The clothes were not good for Meghan. They were too "Duchess Kate," says Judi James, criticizing Meghan's choice of whey. The duke chose to wear a Prada handbag

– Only Kate can have such a bag without looking too embarrassed. Although she usually holds the bag in front of her torso with both hands as a mini barrier, she believes

Dignitaries among the guests

But, in addition to the obvious mistakes, Duchess Meghan seems to have spent a good Wednesday night at the # 39, event of exceptional leaders. rewards include mentoring, networking and leadership training.

Among the guests featured several famous names – including boxer Nicola Adams, comedian Lenny Henry and husband Victoria Beckham: former footballer David Beckham.

On Monday, the ducal family of the king was also seen at the baptism of Duke Kate and Prince Williams complete in the children's wardrobe – Prince Louis Louis.

READ MORE: Meghan's parent sells cannabis – get a doctor's cap

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