Orup was forced to cancel the GES concert – shouted at the microphone


It was never conceived to be reunited, but in Sweden, it is the oldest group of boys in Sweden. Anders Glenmark, 64, Tomas "Orup" Eriksson, 59, and Niklas Strömstedt, 59, have already added extra concerts to the summer tour.

READ MORE: GHG summer tour already successful public

At the concert yesterday at Lysekil Thomas was forced to "Orup" Eriksson had to cancel his song and call guards. When GES appeared with the song "Rain", the mood seemed to be at the top. But suddenly, Orup interrupts the performance according to the newspaper Hänt.

– Stop hello. Can we have guards where they wake up?

People who jumped the sheer joy of the old hit song worry about sudden interruptions of Orup. The GES member was upset when the guards did not answer

– Can we have guards?

The security guards were summoned

Finally, security guards appeared in the public sea and managed to dispel the troubled crowd in front of the stage.

– It was the very fate that people should not "Orup, before continuing to sing

According to some guards who were in place, he should have acted from a drunk man who went to violence.

"Orup prayed and prayed" 19659010] Members of the band Niklas Strömstedt have already stated that it is Orup who made the return to reality.

– He lay down, prayed and prayed on his bare knees. Haha, no, but he asked and it's clear that it was fun, it's been a long time since we played together, he said.

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