Östersund turns around and wins against Hammarby


1-0 in the lead, created chances and a dense defense.

Then Hammarby lost everything in three minutes and fell on Östersund.

– One has the impression of being stolen, they have not got more than two positions, "said Muamer Tankovic.

When Judge Bojan Pandzic blew in mid -time during the meeting at the Tele2 arena between Hammarby and Östersund, most had been stunned for the local team.

"Bajen" created a good opportunity to score 40 after the start of the match Mads Fenger hit the ball to field player Björn Paulsen who scored 1-0 on goalkeeper ÖFK Aly Keita.

– Until the second half, c & # 39; is a good match where we are a little stronger, says coach Stefan Billborn.

– So we get a little "handsome". It will be a bit too much spectacle, instead of playing ourselves to chances to score after 55-60 minutes

In three minutes, Östersund managed to return the result.First, Tesfaldet Tekie finished at the end of the penalty area. repairing with five and a half hours left and soon after, Saman Ghoddos shot 2-1 in the same position.


evil "

After, the last goalkeeper, who was able to make his last game in all Swedish, was hired.

– He (Ghoddos) was tired of the end but he was again magnificent, says Ian Burchnall, who made his first match in Sweden as a coach at ÖFK.

The victory means that Östersund climbs to a fifth place in the However, the camp "Bajen" was blunted, which allowed to overcome the local rival of the AIK

– I really do not know what happened, it has the Looks good and we had a good control of the match Muamer Tankovic

– We talked about it before we did not give them this kind of situation Paulsen: "It becomes a circus"

The team-mate Björn Paulsen agrees with coach Billborn that it has become a bit too "show" on the part of Hammarby.

– People like If you try to lose weight and dribble, there is sometimes a little circus. People should realize that the party is over, says Paulsen.

Tankovic describes the loss as "to be stolen."

– I do not even know if they got more than two positions, "said Muamer Tankovic.

– Of course, they are effective, but we really have the impression be stolen.

Are you still on vacation?

– Both yes and no, it's a bit can start over. It's a little boring, but it was an "awakening." That will not happen again, AIK has a game more than us, they will also lose points We are not worried.

Hammarby is currently in a second place in the table, one point behind AIK who has one more game played

Rating: Hammarby-Östersund (1-2)

Junior, Mf, Hammarby

– True, Bajens did not go there, but Junior was one of the reasons why the team could launch its flashy switches centrally [19659] 030] ++++ Nikola Djurdjic, a, Hammarby

– Real wear, as always. Did his best to challenge and care for the defenders.

Saman Ghoddos, a, Östersund

– Quality every time he took the ball at his feet. Hardly realized that he was the only one in the plane who did not have a vacation because of the World Cup.

Björn Paulsen, f, Hammarby

– Raised when teammates bumble finish. Be flawless even on the defensive – up to Östersund 's two quick hugs.

Hosam Aiesh, Mf, Östersund

– A real wizard right, when he gets it. Neto Borges sometimes had sweats.

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