Outclassing Supreme Court candidates in the United States


Donald Trump has a golden opportunity to influence American politics long after his own presidency. It will appoint a new Supreme Court judge – and HD judges usually serve 20 years or more.

Trump should appoint a very conservative person, giving the court a well-founded majority. This will determine how HD interprets the US Constitution in sensitive areas such as abortion and human rights. And especially in the matter of Trumps' heart: immigration

Trump's great luck

The big chance comes after judge HD Anthony Kennedy, 81, has announced his resignation. Kennedy is "really" conservative, but has often voted liberally, for example, about the rights of homosexuals.

His successor is expected to become a more "trustworthy" Conservative who gives the right majority among the nine members of the Court. So, not like Judge Kennedy, who was a stupid guardian in the eyes of many conservatives.

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During the 2016 election campaign, Trump promised that he would change the composition of the Supreme Court, which which was very popular among right-handers. He promised to name only judges who would abolish the United States Free Abortion Law from 1973.

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Four Candidates

US media speculate on what Trump's candidates are. Always Sunday, he had not decided yet.

– We are about to make a decision. It's about, say, four people, Donald Trump said Sunday.

He met seven possible candidates, reports the American press. And the final battle should be between four conservative judges: Raymond Kethledge, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett and Thomas Hardiman.

Immediately after he became president, Trump filled a vacant HD record with a new judge. But his candidate Neil Gorsuch replaced another conservative, so that he did not change the balance of power in court. Now, after Kennedy's departure, much more is at stake.

Senate must approve

All new HD judges must be approved by the Senate. Democrats should oppose the Trumps candidate this time as well. Although they are in the minority, they are able to block and delay the appointment for a very long time.

But it can be risky for conservative states of Democratic Senators – as in the so-called "red" US – where Trump won in the presidential election conservative judicial candidates. Senators have a choice in November to consider

– It will be a nightmare for Romanian Democrats to oppose a highly qualified candidate – and all these candidates are highly qualified, says Republican Senator Lindsey Graham in Fox News. ] "The decisive voice against free abortion"

At the same time, liberal groups are fighting against Trump's plans. Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal tells ABC that they are a fundamental threat to abortion rights.

– The next appointment will be a deciding vote for the abolition of "Roe v Wade" and equally important to endorse the protection of millions of American medical rights.

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as well as on workers' rights, homosexual rights and the right to vote. [ad_2]
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