Özil confirms: Adds the landing shoes to the shelf


The defender of the German national team Arsenal Mesut Özil, 29, was caught in the German team of Joachim Löw this summer, but was criticized for his efforts in Russia where Germany was allowed to leave the tournament.

Özil was also criticized by his supporters and by the national team before and after his teammate and national teammate Ilkay Gündogan photographed the controversial Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, causing a major emotional storm in Germany.

– We never pressured a player to do anything, but we tried to convince him. We did not succeed with Mesut (Özil). That's why we could have left it out for sporting reasons, "said German National Director Oliver Bierhoff, according to the German newspaper Bild efter uttoget i Ryssland.

Now, via his Twitter account, Özil announces that his career in the national team is over, while criticizing the German Football Association

"I will no longer play for Germany at the international level, while I have this feeling from racism and disrespect, I had used to wear the german shirt with pride and joy, but now I do not do it. decide for me because I have always received all my teammates, my leadership and good people in Germany, but when high-ranking people from the DFB treat me disrespectfully of my Turkish roots and selfishly put me in political propaganda That's not why I play football and I just do not want to let go and do nothing. Racism should never be accepted, "he wrote in a long letter on Twitter [19659006] mainly the president of the German Football Association Reinhard Grindel for his image management with him and Erdogan, but also because he should have expressed racism.

"I I do not intend to be a scapegoat because he (Reinhard Grindel) can not handle his job, I know he wanted me withdraw from the team after the publication of this image, "writes Özil in the letter. [19659002] "For you, Reinhard Grindel, I am disappointed, but not surprised by your actions In 2004, you expressed that" multiculturalism in reality is a myth (and) a perpetual lie "while voting against the legalization for double nationality, "he writes.

Özil also said earlier in a letter on Twitter about the image with Erdogan, and wrote, inter alia, the following:

"It does not matter who is president – what who counts is that He (Erdogan) is president, and that's something to respect, it's maybe hard to understand, but I would have taken the picture with him, no matter how that had been in previous elections or previous elections. " [19659002] Özil scored a total of 23 goals in 92 national matches for the German national team and included the team at the FIFA World Cup ™. Brazil Brazil 2014 and the 2010 World Cup 2010 South Africa 2010.

Read the review The Özil letter in the Twitter post below

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