Party leaders killed in a suicide bomb in Pakistan


At least 12 people in the attack and more than 30 were injured, according to the police, writing several international media.

The explosion occurred just before the start of the poll, when Haroon Bilour was to talk to his supporters.

Haroon Bilour was the son of the former ANP leader, Bashir Ahmed Bilour, who was also killed in a bomb attack in Peshawar 2012.

The National Awakening Party (NPA) has long been a target for the Taliban when it has clearly taken a stand against these. ANP has long dominated in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, but lost power to the Justice Party of Imran Khans (PTI) in the 2013 elections.

Imran Khan condemns the deceased in a post on Twitter [19659002] – The attack is a conspiracy against transparent elections. On the eve of the attack, the National Anti-Terrorist Authority in Pakistan revealed that almost all major political leaders in established parties are facing serious threats to the election, said the president of the Electoral Commission, Sardar Mohammad. July 25th.

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