Penalties deepen the Atlantic Ocean – Pages


The agreement on nuclear energy, JCPOA, was signed in 2015 by Iran. It is the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (United States, France, Great Britain, China and Russia) and Germany. The agreement gives an overview of Iran's nuclear energy program to prevent the country from developing nuclear weapons, while facilitating previous UN sanctions.

On May 8 this year, US President Donald Trump decided to withdraw from the agreement. However, the three EU signatory countries and the rest of the EU want to stick to the JCPOA. It will also be Russia and China to do.

On August 6 this year, a series of US sanctions were reintroduced against Iran. For example, Iran can not use US dollars. The sanctions also affected the country 's silver and gold sectors, as well as its trade in metals, coal and industrial computer systems.

On November 5, the latest round of punitive measures came into effect, against the country's transport sector, banking system and oil industry in Iran.

According to a written statement from the Ministry of Finance, more than 200 people and vessels in the energy and maritime sectors are subject to harsher economic sanctions. On the bank side, 50 Iranian lenders and subcontractors are penalized, the airline is the country's largest airline, Iran Air, and more than 65 of its aircraft.

Regarding the sanctions against Iranian oil, eight countries are temporarily excluded from the ban on importing Iranian oil: China, India, Italy, Greece, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Turkey.

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