People's anger after the fire disaster: "You let people burn!"


Forest fires outside the Greek capital, Athens, have raised more than 80 lives. Hundreds of people have been injured and more people have lost their homes or livelihoods. In the footsteps of the fires, the rescue service found bodies burned by people who kissed desperately when they realized they could not escape the flames.

In the affected villages Nea Makri, Mati and Rafina, anger is now directed against the government and local authorities. cuts and lack of preparation for the crisis contributed to the devastating disaster. When the Greek Minister of Defense, Panos Kammenos, a Greeks independent of the Syrian Nationalist Government Party, visited the village of Mati, he received the response of angry and desperate villagers.

"You let people burn!" Shouted a woman in front of the British BBC reporters who were in the confrontation.

"Nobody came … there was no … no protection … nothing … the men swam for hours without getting help "says another survivor to the minister.

The inhabitants of the area stated that firefighters had not even reached the barracks and that the authorities had urged people to flee by jumping into the sea. go to the beach. Critics are also directed against local authorities who did not do anything against the black building along the coast and who had no escape plan despite the fact that the risk of getting stuck on the coast was so great. Fire was well known.

Greece suffers from serious forest fires. Previously, it is known that homeowners have started wildfires to prepare land for exploitation, such as building luxury homes or tourist complexes. However, regardless of the cause of the fire it is clear that the catastrophe is exacerbated by the huge cuts that the leftist government and former Tsipra's governments have made in case of emergency and preparedness in emergency situations. . Cups imposed by the same EU who are now hurrying to declare their solidarity with the Greek people.

This is not the first time that cuts have serious and deadly consequences. Earlier, union representatives of health workers in Greece warned that cuts in health care have increased patient mortality.

In 2010 – when the first drastic cuts began, the American magazine Bussiness Insider wrote: A big forest fire near the capital can be devastating after the cuts. "The same year, the newspaper Greek Ekathimerini wrote that forests "are threatened by cuts that reduce the number of firefighters and their wages and equipment."

2016 warns Greek rescue services that they lacked equipment to fight fires. During the hearings, union representatives in the public service discovered that nearly 25% of fire trucks are unusable.

"My boots melted my heat and my equipment is 10 years old. the fire truck, he is 20. The problem is the cuts that have lasted for years, "says a firefighter who participated in the extinction of Mati at The Telegraph [19659002] "The government and responsible authorities are well aware of the lack of personnel, equipment and infrastructure. necessary to prevent and combat these phenomena, "said the Communist Party of Greece, KKE, in a statement.The party, last May, asked the rescue service to obtain the necessary resources, as well as firefighters and the staff working to put out fires and save lives

Although the emergency service has been known for many years, Alexis Tsipra's government decided last year to Further cuts drastically in the public sector While the President of the Council of Europe, Donald Tusk, and the other EU leaders have declared their solidarity with Greece, the so-called Eurogroup, composed of finance ministers of the euro area, came just 21 million euros (216 million) until the Greek public sector is cut by an additional five billion euros. cuts that will continue to make the v ie of innocent Greeks

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