Peter Dalle about "Lyrro – out & immigrants" with the truck gang


Tells the horrible breakthrough and the new movie

1 of 3 | Photo: Naina Helen W. Jåma

Peter Dalle.


The truck gang is back, with "Lyrro-ud & immigandarna", a comedy that kills both the refugee crisis and Swedish holiday dreams.

We meet the author Peter Dalle, 61, for a conversation about the new movie.

But also how much he likes the role of angry leader in "Our time is now". On how the best Swedish movie replication of all time has come. And about the breakthrough in "Good Neighbors", which allowed women to split the two arrows and take it.

The humorous series "Lorry" is one of the greatest classics of Swedish television. In the years 1989-1995, they attracted both laughter and anger, with an innovative humor, lively and not politically correct. It has become a couple of shows and a feature film, "Yrrol – an extremely thought-out film" (1994).

Peter Dalle is the author of almost everything and now he has re-assembled Claes Månsson, Suzanne Reuter, Johan Ulveson and a number of young actors for a new movie.

After "Lorry" and "Yrrol", why did he become "Lyrro"?

"As a product declaration, it's important for people to understand what it is, there will be 20 to 25 movies a month," Dalle said.

How was the new film born?

– The job title was "Off". We Swedes are very difficult to be here and now. We do not want this life, but win at the casino and live in the Caribbean. Then came the flood of refugees at that time, three years ago, I thought you could do something about it.

Classic replica

So now, the film is parallel to Joseph and Marie (Björn Gustafsson, Nour El Refai), refugees in search of happiness in Södertälje and a number of Swedes wishing to enjoy the sun in a warmer climate. All in screwed form.

Here, as always in humor Slabs, there is a joke about romantic relationships. He is kind of a champion on this.

When Aftonbladet voted for the best broadcasters of all time, Dalle had two out of ten in the top list.

Suzanne Reuter replies "Do not mix me in our relationship" film "Yrrol", Come Three. The winners became an exchange of "Ogifta par – a film that differs" (1997) between Reuter and Dalle. She wonders how he wants her to be.

"Who is excited, happy and grateful," he says.

A replica of a real scam between Dalle and the old cohabitation Gunnel Fred.

"Sometimes we had a stormy relationship and we got stuck in a stupid horror." One time she screamed at the kitchen: "How would you like me to be?" And then I answered "Is it excited, happy and grateful?" Then she started laughing, but that's probably the only time I managed to quit a fight.

Do you often have inspiration to joke in your own life?

– Yes, I still think that's it. C & # 39; Emile Zola who said that "art is a corner of reality seen through a temperament". I think it is well described. Viewing Ingmar Bergman who brought a lot of his education and his love stories. Everyone gets his own fatabur. You should not rewrite something you do not know.

Some think that you seem to have such a dark view of existence?

– Yes, I'm probably a pretty dark person in many ways. But we must also remember that the theater is represented by a joyful and sad mask. All good drama, Chekhov or Strindberg, is based on conflict and there must be both light and darkness.

You are joking crazy people in "Lyrro". Not afraid that people are angry?

"You can not make a fun movie without someone being upset and you can not care about it.There are so many bad movies and plays that I've seen, so many bad books that I've got." I read … this thought never made me look up and apologize.If I read a bad book, just find 250 loops, I can buy another book, it's not worse than that.

You and your sense of humor do not always feel politically correct …

– Well, there is a big difference between joking about a phenomenon and making fun of someone. I have never intended to do that. But you have to make fun of things that are crispy.

Is there anyone who does not "joke" in Sweden?

– It determines those like you. But I will not worry about it. The intention determines whether it is morally true or not. But then he is always in the eyes of the viewer.

Has it become harder with relational humor after the # metoo move?

– I do not think there is an #metoo "official" and you can only learn to know certain things and to say that everything is the fault of men. But between the bowl and the wall, oh God, it's clear that women also laugh with men and sexually joke about men. Of course, you can do it, so you may not have to say it in a TV interview.

"Yrrol" was weak

I ask Peter Dalle, who has noticed so many fun things over the years, if he has a favorite. Something he thinks is the best he's found.

– Well, I never look at what I 've done or read anything that I' ve written. I'm pretty happy with this movie. Above all, when making such a movie, I think it's superior to "Yrrol", it's stupid.

– A few weeks ago, I finished a new series of films that pleased me a lot. Patrick Ryborn (Producer "Lyrros") thinks it's the best I've written. We will see if anyone wants to go and finance it.

At the moment, Peter Dalle receives tremendous warmth from "street people" through SVT's drama series "Our Time is Now". He plays this angry little cook, Stig "Stickan" Backe.

"I have not received such positive feedback from" Lorry "programs at the time, there were only two TV channels, people are transgender, all ages are 20 to 80 years and it makes me terribly happy.

– it is well written, it is the historical moment, it is man / woman, poor / rich, an hour without advertising, it is not a crime, c & # 39; is a question of people who have common concerns.

– When Suzanne (Reuters) and I had read two episodes, we called each other and we said to ourselves: "It's the weapon, we have to do it."

"I was a pig"

Something different from Peter Dalle's first major TV role in the comedy series "Good Neighbors" 1987-1988. He played a terrifying owner and the crowd mixed his character with him.

– It was terrible. I was totally unknown to the viewers, it was the only picture that they had of me that I was a pig. Three times in the middle of the sunny day, women approached me and bit me to give me microfilms. There were also people in the pub who thought it was nice and came out and said, "Oh, what do you look like …" in a positive way. An uncomfortable period, I was 29-30 years old and I usually went out with a hooded jacket and sunglasses.

That's Peter Dalle

Peter Dalle about …

… working with Suzanne Reuter:
"I am very confident when she and I have scenes together in" Our time is now. "We have a long story together, we know everything about each other, I almost dare to say. at the same length of wave.

… that the poles of the old group of trucks certainly do not say yes to everything that he finds on:
– Before this film, we were sitting in my kitchen and had read and discussed the film. Can we tell you this? Could it be misunderstood? We first had scenes where Joseph and Maria were flying in a boat across the ocean. A boat with duty free shops. Johan (Ulveson) said: I do not think people think it's absurd, just that it's dead bodies. He was right, I think, I wrote about it.

… his acclaimed speech – short and very funny – when he won the Golden Bagge for the best of life in "Heaven is innocent blue":
"I think you should be prepared, it's an entertainment, I've had three different numbers, it's become the nicest, the others were like … one was a bargain. Private, calling a girl with whom I had shared a taxi, would like to enjoy the moment when many people are watching.But now I wanted to be in front of the shelf Hannes Holm, the director.

… "The Christmas Eve Story of Karl-Bertil Jonsson", premiered at the Scalate Theater in Stockholm with Dalle, Anton Lundqvist, Vanna Rosenberg and Henrik Dorsin:
– A very nice set, I play dad. It's a beautiful story like that Take Danielsson written. Warm, fun, if there is no more Sweden where goodness prevails. Henrik wrote 10-11 new giant lyrics.

Movies that recorded the most money after adjusting for inflation 0:40

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