PLAY: Battlefield V – A funny escape, cleverly


Battlefield V

Windows / PS4 / Xbox One


Age class: 18

Two very different war games are published almost simultaneously. One is a quiet history of the First World War, the other is Battlefield V – a high-volume multiplayer game that takes place during the Second World War. This does not concern the Second World War. It looks like that. This is not serious until the game claims to have something to say.

The multiplayer section is always entertaining, although it may be a bit unfamiliar. The Grand Operational mode is an interesting idea, in which you play several games in a row to try to win a longer battle. This does not make the biggest difference for the games as such, but it frames them in a promising way.

By cons, I have a lot of trouble to move to the campaign to a player. It begins with a narrative that throws the crowds on growing music, and that's about the tone we need to distinguish in the rest of the story. Or rather the stories, because there is a series of shorter inconveniences in different places of the war. I would have probably been easier to leave the countryside if she had not claimed to speak of heroism and the nature of the war, and if it depended solely on being a variant of the game Eagle's Nest or Canon in Navarone. It's true, but that pompous and well-executed tone bothers me a lot.

For those who want more Battlefield, that's what is offered. It's neat, spectacular and incredibly chaotic. But also very nice, good and bad.

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