Plow the time after Eldkvarn


Plura arrives at the Festival of New Orleans. With a group of young musicians, they will play both old and new.

– I can promise we will do our best for a memorable match. Otherwise, it's not necessary to stay on stage, says Plura Jonsson.

  The Eldkvarn took a break in 2016 and now Plura is running his own race. Photo: Stig Andersson.

On Friday, the New Orleans Festival begins at Mannaminne in Nordingrå. One of the upcoming artists is Plura Jonsson. He left Eldkvarn two years ago and is now on a summer tour with another band.

– I hope that most will be satisfied. I have a bunch of amazing young musicians with me. A young group awesome and able to deliver. My son is among others, and now that he's chaplain, it's him who keeps track of me, "says Plura.

Plura sees herself as a half-lingerie. His mother is raised in Mörtsal and he has a family in Nordingrå.

– I went there several times. There was a lot of coffee and figs when you were greeted. Many kinds of cookies that we liked. Many flower and herring deposits too. The high coast has a special nature and is incredibly beautiful.

In 2016, Eldkvarn took a break for an indefinite period. Instead, Plura was active with the "A Man With Heart" performance that he was touring with this spring.

I have experienced everything you can experience as a musician and I am very excited.

– This is a rather serious and personal performance, death is a theme. It would be fun to develop it further, but everything should be so fun nowadays. Many thought we were going to play rock songs, so they became confused, but I think they liked it.

Now that he begins to notice his growing mortality, death is a theme that Plura wants to discuss and explore. This through the music that he wrote after the Eldkvarn.

– I entered the age where you face death and see a guy on a cloud wave to one. Maybe it's going too badly, but I'd love to have age in my lyrics, he says, and continues:

– I usually say that fifty and sixty were the best years of my life, but at seventy. I go to the gym to get on stage

  The New Orleans Festival is held in Mannaminne. The artists play seven different scenes during the weekend. Photo: Jennie Johansson

Plura takes care to point out that he does not feel bitterness about aging, but that playing with young musicians creates some dissonance.

– I have so participated in my art and in my writing. I have experienced everything you can experience as a musician and I am very excited about it. Those with whom I play have never experienced it. Their joy of visiting and staying in a hotel does not appeal to me, but with a slight impression.

Although Plura has been an active musician for more than 40 years, each concert is a new experience according to him.

– I'm always surprised every night people standing, singing and singing. I always have a poor self-confidence, but when I look at the audience, I am included. The public contact is new every time.

The New Orleans Festival begins on Friday, July 20th and runs on July 22nd. Plura plays Friday at eight o'clock.

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