Police attempts may influence the election


Photo: Tech. Sgt. Sharida Jackson

US General Scott Miller was in place when police chief Abdul Raziq was killed during an attack in southern Afghanistan. Stock Photography.

Just two days before the start of the parliamentary elections in Afghanistan, the influential police chief Abdul Raziq was killed during an attack in the south of the country.

Security officials had previously warned of attacks ahead of the elections, but Raziq's death on Thursday shocked and fears the attack would deter voters from going to the polls on Saturday.

US Defense Minister Jim Mattis said it was too early to say whether Raziq's death would affect elections, but added that the US military mission remains unchanged.

The chief of police, Raziq, had become famous for the theft of oppressors. The United Nations Torture Committee last year claimed to have been involved in serious human rights violations, including extrajudicial executions and secret detention centers.

At the scene of the attack, US General Scott Miller, commander of the NATO mission in Afghanistan, also found himself unsuccessful.

"Afghanistan has lost a patriot and the good it has done for Afghanistan and the Afghan people can not be ignored," Miller writes on Twitter.

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