Polish judge challenges new law and refuses to retire – News (Ekot)


Polish President Andrzej Duda says that she is retired now, but this morning, Małgorzata Gersdorf has returned to his post as President of the Supreme Court of Poland, as usual . It was surrounded by masses protesting against the action of the government against the country's court

– I do not intervene in politics, I do it to defend the rule of law, commented Gersdorf in court [19659002] ] The legislative amendment of the Polish government came into force – including the age of retirement of Supreme Court justices from 70 to 65 years, which would force more than a third judges to retire and would increase the government's influence on the court. Article 7 was introduced against Poland, that is to say that the right of a Member State to vote in the Council of the EU may be partially or totally deprived of the -respect of the fundamental principles of the EU.

initiated an infringement procedure concerning the new law on the Supreme Court of Poland. The Commission writes in a press release that the intention is still to continue the dialogue with Poland to resolve the situation

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at the European Parliament during the day and defended the decision of his government

Polish judges themselves believe that the changes to the law are contrary to the Constitution . Gersdorf says that she considers herself the president of the Polish Supreme Court until 2020.

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