Polish Major Initiative in Finland – Committed Military


The operation takes place outside a petrol station in Kuortti, about eleven kilometers north of Lahti. Police must have arrived after 21 Finnish hours. according to Ilta-Lehti. Armed forces cars should have arrived shortly after and the area behind the mackerel should be locked.

On the images of the site, large military vehicles appear parked in the trucks of the car park.

– Defense Forces cars parked on parking lot and backyard locked, says eyewitness for Ilta-Sanomat at midnight

"They seem to be investigating something there, the police have a big backpack and a protective jacket.

Police flew

This witness aimed at the yard is an area including truck parking, a forest party and a truck truck. According to the photographer Ilta-Sanomat, it is mainly the area adjacent to the truck parking that is locked. According to the newspaper, the sector is so vast that it is impossible to see what is happening behind the closures.

According to the police, it is a serious crime against life and health. They conducted a technical survey on the site. But more details than they do not want to reveal. The investigation is expected to continue on Friday and, according to Ilta-Sanomat, police should provide more information at 11 am Swedish time.

Military vehicles in trucks

According to eyewitnesses for Ilta-Lehti did the police go to the gas station during the evening and asked individuals if they had video material and images from the site?

At least seven police cars should have been in front of the gas station on Thursday night. Several of them stayed at midnight, according to Ilta-Sanomat. In addition to them, the armed forces are in place even at night to Friday. According to the police, the armed forces are helping to block the area under investigation.

The text is being updated

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