Politicians hide Sweden in place – Sport


It is extremely important to be on the spot and do everything you do in front of the TV screen, says Ulf Kristersson (M) at TT

And how is Ulf Kristersson when he Watch football?

Haha, yes, I do not look much like my mother-in-law, she usually screams and screams. I usually have a little more dignity. We'll see if I can deal with it now.

Ulf Kristersson's interest in football indicates a "very dedicated football card". He is himself a former gymnast and has never played football.

Taggad M-leader

He saw a lot more women's football than men's football, and is correctly labeled to add Sweden-England to his bank of football experiences.

This is the biggest thing that has happened in Swedish football for a very long time and it is important to show that we are behind our beautiful team. If I can contribute a little, I would like to do it, he says.

Kristersson clearly remembers 1994 and hopes for an equally wonderful football summer this year. And the stall point is the Swedish victory.

If I do not go to punishment, I think 1-0, we keep zero and is a little better, he says.

Pirrigt for Löfven

The government will be represented on the spot – and the Minister of Energy Ibrahim Baylan (S). Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) does not even know he'll be able to follow the match – he's gone to New York with commitments booked at 10 am local time.

I do not know yet how I will follow the match I'm in a place where I do not know how to watch the match, "says Stefan Löfven to TT's ambassador

TT: How do you know he not?

Yes, I am sorry. For Stefan Löfven, we have to follow him, it's just, I think we win, I feel it on me. This mode is great.

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