Pressed Merkel in a crisis meeting with his Minister of the Interior


Angela Merkel and her Christian Democrat Party CDU reign in coalition with the Bavarian Brotherhood Party CSU. Now the government is in an emergency crisis since Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has threatened to resign because of the issue of migration.

Seehofer wants to close the border and direct refugees who have sought asylum in another EU country. Merkel, meanwhile, wants to remain open and instead reach a common agreement on asylum, which she believes she received at the EU summit last week.

She has entered into agreements with Greece and Spain, among others, that they should. She said that EU member states voluntarily welcome refugees from centers of residence. asylum inside and outside the EU.

The edition of State Secretary Horst Seehofer must be seen in the light of context because it is a choice in Bavaria in October. It is expected that the AFD, Alternative and Refugee Population, Alternatives to Germany will advance.

– There is no conflict between the CDU and the CSU, not a new problem, especially in the case of a state election. But it has become so serious. I am a little shocked, says Thomas Sommerer, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Stockholm

Why are you?

– We now have a government crisis and no one really knows why. Seehofer has a global migration plan that we have not seen. According to Thomas Sommerer, it is perhaps only about 50-60 aspects

He does not think that it is possible to compromise on migration issues, because the refugees are arrested at the border or are not arrested. In addition, Sommerer points out that the conflict between the parties goes further than the refugee crisis in 2015.

– The CDU has moved to the political center under the leadership of Angela Merkel. This is a challenge for CSU, who has always been to the right of the CDU. Conflicts have become more common and more serious.

Everything is complicated by that there are different fantasies in the parties. This is especially true at the CSU, where senior representatives oppose it openly

– Even at the CDU there are some who are not satisfied with Merkel and others in the party leadership but there is no open conflict at present, says Thomas Sommerer. Is it frosted on a personal level between Merkel and Seehofer. Horst Seehofer treated the patronage of Angela Merkel in public contexts and recently stated that he "can no longer work with this woman."

– Seehofer and Merkel never loved each other. This partly explains the drama we are seeing now, says Thomas Sommerer.

The state scientist is struggling to evaluate what is happening in the future. He believes that Horst Seehofer is leaving and CSU is calling for an additional party event. The Minister of the Interior has simply been maneuvered into a corner from which he can not go out.

Sommerer also believes that the CSU-CDU dispute will run until the October October elections.

– In the election campaign, CSU must appear as a Merkel party to get big changes or maybe even try to get rid of it, he says.

Do you think it will be a new one?

– No, hardly more. It is complicated to hold new elections in Germany. However, CSU can push Angela Merkel to replace. It's the most radical. A compromise could be that she will leave next year, says Thomas Sommerer.

The crisis began at 5 pm Monday. Later in the evening, we expect the Social Democrats, SPD, to join them.

Learn more. Richard Swartz: Migrants and Bavarians threaten to fall Merkel

The German government

Angela Merkel, leader of the CDU Christian Democrat, became co-chancellor in 2005. She has always led the coalition with the brother party Bavarian CSU

the largest party with 32.9% of the vote, but a decrease of 8.9 percentage points compared to the 2013 elections.

After three months of negotiations, the CDU, the CSU and the Social Democratic SPD could form the government.

Seehofer is a party leader for CSU.

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