Prevent the United States and Asia from renegotiating


Finland and Germany are economically strong and follow the same path in EMU, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel during her visit to Helsinki. But it takes more, she says.

Angela Merkel will not get up more often than the party president. Although she has expressed the wish to remain Chancellor throughout this period, Europe is preparing for the after-Merkel.

But Merkel did not answer questions from the press but only made a brief statement Wednesday night.

After meeting with the Prime Minister Juha Sipilä (C) shared both perspectives on the future.

This included the euro and the evolution of EMU. Merkel said that Finland and Germany had the same views.

"This concerns the banking union, the relationship with shared risks, the minimization of risks – we share the same opinion," said Merkel.

Juha Sipilä says that they will join together for the December European summit in order to set up the banking union. It is a common regulatory framework for supervision, capital adequacy, bankruptcy prevention rules and deposit guarantees.

"The best thing to do would be to agree on the banking union and the reform of the stability mechanism.

– We must move forward. The question is how fast and how to reduce the risks. The question of Italy is entering a bad time, because it is an example of the dangers that exist, "said Sipilä, Italy whose budget deficit has been filled with cold hands by the EU.

Angela Merkel said that Finland and Germany were close to each other but that they could further develop their cooperation in the areas of digitization and digital technology. artificial intelligence.

– It is A and O that we are financially strong. Finland has grown and it is good for more people to find a job. Germany is doing well too, but the United States and Asia are pioneers in innovation, and Finland and Germany must begin to emphasize that, Merkel said.

Sipilä met with EU heads of government and heights regularly on Wednesday and will continue Thursday. The reason is that the eight heads of government belonging to the EPP of the center-right Party are in Helsinki during the EPP Congress.

– The meetings are part of the preparations for the Finnish Presidency of the EU (2019). The European day was very rewarding. Many meetings focused on Italy's concerns and the possible effects – for example, interest rates rose in Portugal and Spain, Sipilä said.

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