Profile M: ​​"The government was against the common rescue force"


STOCKHOLM The S-led government was only skeptical with regard to a joint rescue force in the EU six months ago. The reason? It would be too expensive.

Sweden is currently receiving considerable help from several EU countries to fight forest fires. Among other things, Poland provides 44 fire trucks and over 130 firefighters. Denmark, France, Germany, Italy and Lithuania also help the victims of the crisis.

However, Interior Minister Morgan Johansson expressed his greatest concern about the creation of a joint rescue force in the EU. According to estimates, it would cost 280 million euros between 2018 and 2020.

– This becomes too expensive and the risk is that EU countries are counting on the aid of the EU. EU instead of building their own rescue capability, continues Morgan Johansson. :

– We must make sure that the Member States themselves, and for their own money, increase their capabilities so that they do not think that they can let go and say that we can easily take resources from the EU so that we READ ALSO: "Our hearts are with the Swedish people, not with the Swedish elite."
ALSO READ: EU map: Sweden will be saved from fires

The Riksdagsman Lars Beckman (M) highlights the Twitter government's ambivalent relationship with the EU's rescue force: " The Mp / S government was therefore against the common rescue force? ", He wrote

Greek Cypriot politician Christos Stylianides is responsible for humanitarian aid and crisis management in the EU. He believes that the need for a common rescue force will increase over time due to climate change.

– No single EU country can handle a major natural disaster on its own. Christos Stylianides

Today, there is a civil protection mechanism in the EU based on the voluntary contributions of the member states, but according to the Swedish Radio, it is not enough that several countries suffer from natural disasters at the same time.

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