Prohibition of bans rejected – "Do not disturb"


Minaret in Kungsmarken.

Photo: Mattias Mattisson

Minaret in Kungsmarken.

Swedish Democrats and Christian Democrats want to introduce a ban on prayer calls to Karlskrona.

But their motions were rejected at the committee meeting today.

"The administration is of the opinion that a possible procedure with a ban based on the proposal of the pilot will rest on common foundations in Sweden and not on individual decisions of a municipality", said Per Jonsson, general manager and after-sales service manager.

The Swedish Democrats and Christian Democrats have both submitted a motion asking the Karlskrona Municipality to ban calls for prayer, which the parties wish to see respect for the order of the local councils.

"Prayer calls in public places and in foreign languages ​​are not part of Swedish society.These calls for prayer are not just a call to prayer, but also a confusion of other religions.", Writes SD in his motion.

At Tuesday's meeting of the Operations and Services Committee, a majority of politicians chose to reject SD and KD's proposal.

The idea was that the issue be decided at the September board meeting – but then it was reissued – as city lawyers should look for it if it is legally only legal for a municipality to introduce such a ban.

"In order for a municipality to be informed of a local order, it is essential to maintain public order in public places." The grounds invoked by the applicant to found the introduction of the by-law do not constitute disturbances or inconveniences for public order within the meaning of the Order. ", writes the Administration.

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