Protests in Iraq spread


It began last Sunday in Basra, in southern Iraq. Today, they are popular demonstrations on the seventh day and have spread to several cities like Aara, Nasiriya, Najaf and the capital of Baghdad, reports the Reuters agency

For a week, people have been protesting against corruption, high unemployment and lack of community service. Power outages, lack of waste management and poor water quality are some of the factors that triggered the dissatisfaction.

At least three people were killed and, among other things, access to the Internet writes Al Jazeera.

At least four wounded

The heat wave contributed to the temperature reaching nearly 50 degrees in Basra. Constant power outages make extreme heat unbearable for many.

In order to put pressure on the authorities, protesters in Basra blocked access to important oil fields. During Sunday, the main government building in the province was tempted to storm. Police then fought back with water cannons and tear gas, killing at least four people, Reuters reported, citing an Iraqi police source.

Oljerika Basra represents more than 95% of Iraq's oil revenues and is now gaining from other parts of the country. sent to protect the important oil fields.

High security preparation

In Najaf, hundreds of people stormed the airport and blocked air traffic. And Saturday, troubles occurred in the holy city of Karbala.

Supreme Muslim Iraqi spiritual leader Shi, Major Aliat Ali al-Sistani, supported the protesters and said the lack of community service is extreme.

19659004] Politically sensitive time in Iraq and the country is trying to form the government after the legislative elections of 12 May . Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who did not win the elections, said his government would release funds in Basra, reports Reuters.

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