Putin that Russia allegedly affected the presidential election in the United States: "It's ridiculous"


A few days before the summit Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, twelve Russian intelligence officers were prosecuted in the United States for hacking democratic computer networks during the presidential campaign in 2016. And on Monday, the day when presidents, arrested a suspect Russian agent accused of infiltration of US political organizations.

"It's absolutely ridiculous"

When Fox News received an exclusive interview with Putin after the meeting, a lot of the time went to cool. And there was sometimes a hilarious mood between the Russian president and the journalist. First and foremost, Putin laughed at the journalist's question about the prosecution of intelligence agents. But when the journalist gave Putin a hard copy of the accusation, the president refused to accept it.

– Do you really believe that someone who acts on Russian territory could affect the United States and affected the way millions of Americans would vote? "Putin said:

– This is absolutely ridiculous.

" Internal Political Game "

At the same time, Putin noted that the material that emerged in the hacking of democratic computer networks was And it should be more interesting to see how the Democrats tried to control who would be the party's presidential candidate than to watch who hacked them.

to interrupt Putin with questions about it.

– This question does not interest me at all.It is the internal political game in the United States.Do not hold the relationship between Russia and the United States held hostage in this internal political game, "said Putin.

"Interesting for Russia"

The Russian president also responded to allegations that Russia should have a personal influence on Donald Trump. After the summit, Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said that "Trump's weakness towards Putin has proved that Russians have something on the president, personally financially or politically".

But he denied Putin. According to him, Trump was unobtrusive to Russia before the businessman decided to stand in the presidential election.

– He was a rich person, but there are many rich people in the United States. He was in the construction industry. He organized beauty contests. But no, he would never have hit anyone that he could stand in the presidential election, Putin said during the interview.

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