QUIZ: We are preparing Rix Morronzoo for Gotlandsdebuten – Pages


On August 1st, the radio station Rix FM will return to Gotland after several years of absence. The channel then replaces NRJ at frequency 104.4. NRJ remains, but changes at frequency 103.1 on the island.

Laila Bagge and Roger Nordin are two of the famous names of Rix FM.

– It feels good. We were waiting to be able to broadcast in Sweden and finally there. Now it seems we have the same rules as our competitors, "said Laila Bagge

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Laila Bagge and Roger Nordin, leader Rix Morronzoo, look forward to joining the Goths.

They were in place in Almedalen this year and hope to come back next year

– We would like to go out to Sweden and all the new cities where we are heard. And send from there a little while, to meet the hostesses as well. We hope that our festival tour will arrive in Gotland next summer, says Roger Nordin.

In order to prepare them for Gotlandsdebuten, Helagotland.se asked some questions about Gotland

How many parishes are there in Gotland?

Roger: My goodness, you have one of the masses of the Lord's churches. Me and my partner were on tour in Gotland this summer and we watched huge numbers. I think there are 109.

Laila: I guess at 70.

What is the name of the wild rabbit on gutålål?

Laila answers "long-eyed" and Roger believes "hoppetass"

What is Gotland's fauna? 19659004] Laila: It's backpacks and it's everywhere, why? It must be a terrestrial animal.

Roger: I think it's the hedgehog

What is the name of the hedgehog on gutamål?

Roger: Yes, it was a good question. It's called taggmus. No I do not know.

Laila: I do not know, scream?

Roger: I can do several, so I say Göran Ringbom, Keno Tommy Wahlgren, Marie Nilsson and Håkan Loob

Laila: Jaha

Name a famous Spice Bread in addition to Babben Larsson.

The correct answers are:

Number of parishes: 92

Wild rabbit on the target of the intestines: rabbis

Hedgehog on the intestines of the Bowel: hedgehog

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