Razor against the Hunter Trophy Tess Thompson Talley: "You should be ashamed"


In front of a dead giraffe, next to a dead monkey or with horns of a dead goat in their hands.

Tess Thomson Talley carelessly shared the hunting luck of her hunting trips – but now she comes to criticism

– Dead animals as a sport you should be ashamed, writes one of the critics on Twitter

American Tess Thomson Talley was on honeymoon in South Africa, she shared a photo herself with a dead giraffe on social media, writes The New York Times.

With her rifle facing the sky, she wrote that it was the hunt of her dreams, and that the 18-year-old giraffe was giving about 900 pounds of meat.

It was the summer of 2017. But now, a year later, the picture has come to life in social media.

The online magazine Africland Post shared the image on Twitter, about a month ago

– The White American Barbarian, who is partly a Neanderthal, arrives in Africa and shoots a very rare giraffe black, wrote the message of Africland Twitter

Shortly after Twitter, the site criticized the South African government that gave permission for the shooting

Soon it was conducted to him.

Urse broke

The post was divided tens of thousands. Many want to express their anger to the hunter.

– Thank God we have people like Tess Thompson Talley in the world. Imagine if these majestic creatures lived, quipped a user.

– Dead animals as a sport you should be ashamed to write another one.

– Just because you can not say you should write a third one.

Many also think that the way she poses with dead animals in their images is disgusting. Tess Thompson Talley has also shared other similar pictures before, stuck with other animals.

– This public anger is in line with opinion polls that show that a vast majority of Americans are against trophy hunting, says Iris Ho, International Human Society at the New York Times .

Defends himself

In an email to Fox News, Tess Thompson Talley writes that it was a subspecies of giraffes, which she believes is growing.

She also says that only the giraffe that she killed was 18, too old to have children. She had killed three other young men who could have had children.

According to the New York Times, this statement is not true, but giraffes of 18 can have children.

Iris Ho thinks this type of hunting is not sustainable.

Trophy hunters go there to kill and then boast, not to preserve species, she says.

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