Record temperatures worldwide | Gothenburg after


It's not just Sweden that suffers from heat. In Japan, more than 65 people died in a week, writes AFP.

The Japanese Meteorological Authority classifies the heat wave as a natural disaster.

More than 22,000 people need care and more than 80 people have died since early July. because of the heat wave, which has a tight grip on the island.

During Monday a new record was set in the country when the temperature reached 41.1 Celsius in the city of Kumagaya, outside of Tokyo.

In the capital for the first time in history was measured up to 40 degrees. August with an average temperature of 35 degrees

Authorities now invite people to rest, use air conditioning and drink a lot.

England suffers hard

Even in Britain, record temperatures were measured. On Monday, Santon Downham reached a new temperature record with a measured temperature of 33.3 degrees, writes The Guardian.

The British Meteorological Institute issued a public warning and people are advised to stay in the shadows. The warning applies from 9:00 am on Monday at the same time on Friday and is intended for residents of Central, East and South East England.

Several places around Britain have been without much or no precipitation since the end of May.

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In the Sahara Desert, in Quargla, Algeria, a temperature of 51.3 degrees Celsius was reported in July, writes the World Meteorological Organization.

The measures taken during the colonial era are not entirely reliable, which means that the temperatures are the highest ever measured in Africa

41 United States Heat Records

The United States North has been severely affected by the heat. According to CNN, more than 41 heat records were hit in the United States during the month of July.

In Canada, the metropolis of Montreal and the region of Quebec are the most exposed to heat. In Montreal, the record temperature was 36.6 Celsius

In Quebec, more than 70 people died because of the heat.

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