Red Dead Redemption 2


At least a handful of times, Rockstar Games has been featured as a rock star, and rightly so. They have repeatedly demonstrated their ability to create games with everything from moving stories with interesting characters to open worlds that offer pure exploration. The fact that the budget of the latest games of their "wallet" often exceeds the biggest of Hollywood movies is simply not surprising, and Red Dead Redemption 2 does not seem to be an exception, on the contrary.

The carefully planned and meticulously detailed introduction slowly and surely brings the player into the complex mechanics of the game and the warm and confident story of "The Van der Lind Time" is as much a masterful way of starting a story as it is a proof solid, thoughtful and educational. the design of the game. At the end of this so-called prologue, the huge game world is presented in its entirety. What contrasts with the somewhat limited surface of the "prologue" not only seems overwhelming, but also draws its stunning views for exploration.

Characters with thorny compositions such as John Marston, Susan Grimshaw, Lenny Summers and Hosea Mathews do not only interact with the main character of the game (Arthur Morgan) in movie sequences or in connection with events associated with the film. 39; history. Without reacting to actions, in Arthur's style of dress, even for the well-being of Arthur. Largely because it is precisely the responsibility of the player to take care of these guides when it is the main character. If he pushes a puddle of clay in which he gets dirty, he goes to the ground and gets covered with hair, but he does not eat and eat, he does not become skinny and clumsy of more than One way. This kind of detail is far from there, but finding that kind of thinking alone in a game is a big part of the joy of playing games like Red Dead Redemption 2. Therefore, I will try to To be thrifty with this kind of curiosity.

Another element that plays an active role in the characters and animals of the world is their interaction with the environment. Just the thought of the artistic and technical constriction that must be behind so little detail as the way the mud behaves when a foot or paw is stamping, how the trails in the snow are formed when Arthur and his gang are pulsing through she or how the rain bleeds clothes, fur and earth, in short, is breathtaking. As if that were not enough, the characters interact with all kinds of objects in a way that I have never witnessed before. In short, this seems realistic when the character in question picks up a jar of beans or ties the rifle to the podium again. No clipping, no feather movements, no weight in each movement and fixed limits for where the hand on the character ends and where the object begins.

With a world as vast, comprehensive and well integrated, one can obviously expect more than many major tasks. Of course, Rockstar Games surpasses my expectations in so many ways that I do not even know where to start. But I still think that the ability to hunt animals is one of the best starting points. Not because the ability to hunt animals is a novelty in the game world, but because hunting in Red Dead Redemption 2 can mean much more than killing an animal and using body parts for the cooked. Here, hunting can also include an animal skin to improve its equipment with horns to create useful items and an exclusive fur to sell or sew clothes. This can also mean long trips to cold mountain tops that require warm clothing, while it may mean different rewards depending on the state of the hunt. Shooting on the first best bear does not have to give a qualitative layer, just as a shotgun may not give a plaid as nice as a pair of well placed arrows.

As if that were not enough, players would also be able to store clothes, weapons and ammo like meat, fur and horn somewhere. All this is not right in Arthur's pocket. And if the horse did not take Arthur to the hunting ground, it's probably here that he comes on the scene. A West Game was of course not a Western game, but the ability to ride. The horse in Red Dead 2 is much more than a means of transport, it is also a piece of luggage and, in many cases, Arthur's best friend.

To get the most out of your horse, it is important to create a strong bond with him. First, take care of it, brush it and feed it. But even folding it or soothing it after a hot sprint of gang gangsters. The management of your horse is rewarded by a companion who runs faster, is more persistent, more easily maneuvered and supports more tension when bullets win. There are also several types of horses to choose from, some can be found in nature and can be tamed, while others can be purchased in different cities. Everyone with different potentials in endurance, speed, etc.

However, the horse is not the only way to travel. You can also take the train, one of the many horse-drawn carriages in the cities or on foot. The choices are numerous and more and more opportunities are opening up. However, some "teleportation" cleanups that we usually find in other great open world games are not offered, which can sound both good and bad. On the one hand, it can be frustrating to move from the wild to the city life when you want to sell from new stock markets. On the other hand, the game never breaks the illusion of spatio-temporal play. Personally, I really enjoy something, especially when wildlife is not the only thing that can waste time between main tasks.

No matter the direction, there is always something exciting on the road on every trip. If it's not a legendary moose that attracts, it may be a stranger who needs help with his horse or a gang of bandits who are trying to steal. Alternatively, a snake comes out of the wood and needs an antidote, or the most obscene lantisers invite strangers to dine. It can also happen that companions of "The Van der Lind time" pass in front of a discussion or that strangers propose to Arthur to buy cards of secret treasures. Or … Yes, as you can understand, there is a very long list of things that can happen along the way between all the places you want to visit in the Wild West. And believe me, it's only a fraction of all the exciting things that can happen on all outings in the huge world proposed by Red Dead 2. Not to mention all the crazy combinations that all these events can engender.

The game takes its time, but the time it takes to do what you want to do is basically every circumstance worth every second. Especially when you combine all of the above in one big key, it combines beautifully accompanied West-inspired music pieces, the horse's claw patch against the ground and the thrill of another. bird species still undiscovered. Nevertheless, the languid tempo can sometimes be frustrating. At least in the most stressful and action-laden sections, where you sometimes wish it did not take enough time to recover the divergent weapon placed on the ground. Or that the body to move well is not so difficult to lift. Even if the pace adds in most cases to an almost perfect atmosphere.

With all that has already been said, you may think that there probably should not be more to talk about, but it does exist. The last thing I would like to mention is the control of the game because it is too … a lot, good and bad. Each choice is made by pressing a quick key or a key that requires you to hold down the same button for a long time. This arrangement makes it possible to give the same button several different functionalities, while making certain actions more difficult to perform "by mistake". If you combine this with another layer of functions on the same button, whether you press the right shoulder button or not, we have a rather complex control program that takes a long time to learn. Something that can be inevitable in such a massive game, but a complaint that I have in reality, is one of the two complaints that I have. Despite this, there are positives, even with respect to the control schedule. The many, tough layers of control leave room for some quick, easy-to-use features. For example, the ability to adjust the size of the card without having to enter a menu or the ability to switch to the prospect in the first person by simply pressing a button, to name a few -uns.

In conclusion of this review, I just want to say that there is no doubt that this game is worth your time. The game has no missed opportunity, offering everything from a grand world open to subtle details in history and the environment. I have never played a game that contains as much and the same quality as Red Dead Redemption 2. I probably will not hesitate to spend as much time as possible in the Wild West for the remainder of 2018.


  • Striking history
  • Interesting characters
  • Surroundings of Grandiosa
  • Vast game world
  • Extremely detailed
  • Very various
  • A warm step
  • Explorers when it's the best
  • Horses and everything they want to say
  • Hunting and fishing

The bad

  • Slower than you sometimes tolerate
  • Complicated control schedule


Written by: Sannie Jönsson

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