Renovation of the building permit missing from the mill in dispute: "Made a mistake"


The renovation of the Kånsta factory has met with early resistance from the inhabitants of the region. Now, the County Administrative Board gives the right to spruce who complains – something that NA was the first report today.

SVT News was previously in contact with the municipality that had criticized the municipality of Hallsberg.

"The municipality has spent nearly a million crowns for this." This darkening of the Hallsberg commune has been the subject of all the criticism.That they did not go out and talked about it to the village and gathered some information and a little bounced back, we had trouble getting the facts, "said Suzann Bernsgården at SVT News a month ago.

Make an error

After the County Administrative Board decided to abolish the Building Act, the Municipality of Hallsberg now admits that not everything was possible.

– There was a formal error on our part where all the neighbors were not heard in time. This is an unpublished community and so we made a formal mistake, "said Clas-Göran Classon, General Manager of the Municipality of Hallsberg.

The County Board of Directors, in connection with the suspension of the Building Act, stipulates that a common law should provide an opportunity to receive timely information and an opportunity to comment. At this point, the Operations and Services Committee has broken out.

"Can do the promised construction"

According to the law on planning and construction, it is also clear that business owners must have the opportunity to comment when one item is not covered by a detailed plan, which the factory Kånsta did not do.

"Now we have to rebuild the right to build – we take care of everything from the start and in the right direction," said Clas-Göran Classon, managing director of Hallsberg Municipality.

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