Republicans retain power in Senate – Pages


Democrats seem to be winning the House of Representatives, for the first time in eight years, in the legislative elections in the United States, according to Fox News forecasts.

But this is not a blue democratic wave that the party was hoping for, according to Jake Tapper of CNN.

It's not that kind of wave that hits all sitting Republicans, he told the TV channel.

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The choir chooses in a collection hall in Brunswick, Maine.

This is also reflected in the result of the Senate, which seems to continue to be red republican. Among other things, former Aspire president Ted Cruz beat his Democratic opponent Beto O. Rourke in Texas.

Major victory in Indiana

The Republicans also won a major victory in Indiana, where businessman Mike Braun, who was one of those who President Trump brought, seems to be winning. This means that the Democrat Joe Donnelly loses his seat and that the Republicans seek to strengthen their slight majority in the House.

Among the early election results, it is also clear that Bernie Sanders, who lost to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race, will retain his presidency in Vermont, along with Tim Kaine, Virginia, Virginia.

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Republican candidate Senator Mike Braun at a campaign meeting in Indiana. Stock Photography.

At the time of the election in the House of Representatives, Democrats have significantly more headwinds. Jennifer Wexton in Virginia seems to throw Republican Barbara Comstock in one of the duels that have been reported to be equal.

For the first time since the 1980s, it also appears that the 27th district of Florida becomes democratic, where Donna Shalala turns Maria Elvira Salazar into a chair.

Georgia and Florida at the election of the governor

The election has been described as a desert choice for President Donald Trump – even though he's not listed on a ballot.

This is the first national election since the controversial president took office. It is also a hint of what the country will be before the presidential elections of 2020.

The 435 members of the House of Representatives are elected, as are approximately one-third of the senators. If the predictions persist and the Democrats take power in the House of Representatives, it means that Trump will have a much harder time enforcing his policies. If the Republicans had retained power in both chambers, he could have expected much more wind.

In addition to the congressional elections, 36 of the 50 states and three territories elected a governor, similar to a president.

Among them, the Democrats took over the position of governor of the Republicans, with the victory of JB Pritzker. Republican seated Bruce Rauner has confessed defeated, according to the Chicago Tribune.

With regard to governor elections, Georgia and Florida are the most exciting. In Georgia, Stacey Abrams may be the first black woman to become governor in the United States. In Florida, the mayor of Tallahassee, Andrew Gillum, is fighting to become the first black governor of the state. Tallahassee drew the attention of the international community last week for a mass shoot in a yoga studio.

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