Request for investigation after interrupted evictions – News (Ecotype)


Those to be evicted claim that there are transport workers who mistreated them, while the accused staff members claim that the men themselves were injured.

"The Border Police and the Prison Transport Unit take this seriously and look at the situation to see how the evictions are taking place, and they can look into the existing problems," said Emma Persson.

Ekot has earlier reported about a dozen recent cases of men and young Afghans who have not benefited from asylum, and are therefore deported, claim that they have been abused by members of the criminal court personnel who were going to the airport. The expulsions were interrupted at the last minute.

The stories contain descriptions of strokes, kicks and stryptag. Mahdi, whom Ekot met at the Kållered depot, claimed that the transport staff should have tied his leg and hit him in the testicles. This while he was handcuffed in the back, says Mahdi.

"Then I'm punched on a testicle, hit two or three times, and then I've had a lot of pain on my test," Mahdi said.

Several of them These cases have been reported to the police, some have already been abandoned with the motivation that those who reported the superpower have themselves added the damage. Even in the Mahdis case, the police say so.

Prosecutorial staff asserts in the reports of events that the expelled Afghans have been violent and have filed opposition, as well as abuses committed by themselves. And in some cases, it is claimed that they themselves hit the truck box head to hurt themselves and therefore should not be kicked out.

Attorney Emma Persson, Chairman of the National Refugee Council Group, is aware that words are against words. However, it seems that the information is serious and they will therefore meet the criminal protection center in early November about these events.

– It's very serious. It's not just one or two cases, but several cases. That's why we also wanted to do a compilation, "says Emma Persson.

But how do you determine what really happened and what is really true here?

"I hope that the border police and the transport unit will be able to investigate more closely what has happened.

Patrik Engström, Head of the Border Police indicates that he has recently seen an increase in the number of expulsions canceled at the last moment, and that it has been noted by the FARR about their mapping and that he thinks that it is 39 is important.

That it is the responsibility of a transport official or a motorist of the respondents, he can not judge, in the case of the staff of the prosecution and not the police personnel borders involved.

Ekot bed some of the stories from the FARR compilation, when we meet Patrik Engström.

"In general, one could say: Kicking someone would probably not be considered a violent use of force, but these are dynamic situations." And what a person can perceive as a kick could have been something completely different.That's why it's very difficult for me – which was not in place or for you who were not – from you based on the written description of a page to take a stand on what happened, "says Patrik Engström, chief of police.

Patrik Engström thinks that All cases must be reported to the police and be investigated as thoroughly as possible. That so many cases have appeared now, he thinks that there are now more people expelled by regular flights and that people to expel in different ways then try to prevent eviction by opposing resistance and refusal.

"This, in turn, means that eviction staff will have greater recourse to legal powers," said Patrik Engström.

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