Researchers: Sexism is a major problem during the World Cup


During the World Cup, the camerans often directed their goals towards the young and light women in the stands.

In an environment where men admire and hug each other, the sexualized activist seems to play an important role. Russia has not only been marked by Swedish successes and dramatic punishments – but also by a debate on sexism.

Several female journalists, including Frida Nordstrand of TV4, were verbally or physically harassed in front of the camera during the championship. In addition, the cameraman's tendency to zoom in on the young and light women in the stands has led many to criticize the production of female fans

. This last is far from being described as a novelty in football

. here already in EM 2004, so it's a phenomenon that comes and goes. It is not a coincidence that this happens in Russia given the strong patriarchal regime prevailing in the country, "says Jesper Fundberg, who studies gender and sport at Malmö University.

The Fear of the Heterosexual Man

Fundberg believes that we must understand how sport represents a potential threat to the domination of heterosexual man in society.

Football has traditionally focused on men who consider the bodies of other men.The men who embrace and show emotions that contradict the image of the "heterosexual" behavior of heterosexual men.

By nature, football is not very hot, but rather very strange

– somehow, World Cup as a gay couple, so images of disguised women can be interpreted as a way of ensuring that men are in an environment As in the case of cheerleaders, a certain type of woman is shown on the stands to remind men that "yes, they are the ones we are really going to throb".