Researchers Want to Save Northern White Rhinoceros with Unexpected Method


C & # 39; is a researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Research on Animals and Wildlife in Berlin, which set the goal of a calf of the species to to be born in three years.

The researchers succeeded in producing test tube embryos. The hope is that embryos can develop in rhinoceroses of substitution.

Embryos are not full of subspecies from the north, but have been produced from white rhinoceros sperm and white rhinoceros. But the ambition of the research team is to extract eggs from the last two distinctions of the northern subspecies, living in a national park in Kenya. The plan is to do it before the end of the year

No operation without risk

The successful selection of eggs from Najin and Fatu, called the honors, will then take control of a surrogate mother from South. But there is no risk-free operation. Unique honors must be kept flooded for a few hours.

– It would be a nightmare if something unexpected happened, says Thomas Hildebrandt of the Leibniz Institute at AFP.

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